Consultation Update

Your feedback has been valuable in helping us shape the way we deliver the Voluntary Assisted Dying Care Navigation Service within Western NSW Local Health District. We have developed our service with consideration of your feedback.

Below is a summary of what we heard from you.

  • Contacting the service

    You said you would like the choice to contact the Voluntary Assisted Dying Care Navigation Service by phone or email and would like the Service to return contact within two business days.

  • Talking to a Voluntary Assisted Dying practitioner

    You said when being referred to a Voluntary Assisted Dying Practitioner you would like to have this contact either at home or as close to home as possible.

  • Providing feedback on the service

    You said you would like the opportunity to provide feedback about your journey through the Voluntary Assisted Dying Care Navigation process.

About voluntary assisted dying

The Parliament of New South Wales passed the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2022 (the Act) on 19 May 2022. This Act will allow eligible people the choice to access voluntary assisted dying from 28 November 2023. People cannot access voluntary assisted dying in NSW before this date.

What is voluntary assisted dying?

Voluntary assisted dying means an eligible person can ask for medical help to end their life. The person must be in the late stages of an advanced disease, illness or medical condition. They must also be experiencing suffering they find unbearable.

If a person meets all the criteria and the steps set out in the law are followed, they can take or be given a voluntary assisted dying substance to bring about their death at a time they choose. The substance must be prescribed by a doctor who is eligible to provide voluntary assisted dying services.

'Voluntary' means the choice must be the person's own. Only the person who wants voluntary assisted dying can ask for it. It is against the law to pressure someone to ask for voluntary assisted dying. The NSW legislation has safeguards in place to make sure the person is protected.

How do I access voluntary assisted dying?

All initial enquiries regarding Voluntary Assisted Dying should be made through the Care Navigation Service. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you will be referred to an Authorised Voluntary Assisted Dying Medical Practitioner.

Who is eligible for voluntary assisted dying in NSW?

A person can only access voluntary assisted dying under the law if they meet the following criteria:

1. They must be an adult (18 years and older), who is an Australian citizen, a permanent resident of Australia, or have been resident in Australia for at least three continuous years.

2. They must have been living in NSW for at least 12 months.

3. They must have at least one disease, illness or medical condition that is advanced, progressive and:

a. Will, on the balance of probabilities, cause their death within six months (or within 12 months for neurodegenerative diseases like motor neurone disease), and

b. Is causing the person suffering that cannot be relieved in a way the person considers tolerable.

4. They must have decision-making capacity in relation to voluntary assisted dying and be acting voluntarily.

5. They must have the ability to make and communicate requests and decisions about voluntary assisted dying throughout the formal request process.

Voluntary Assisted Dying in Western NSW

From now until November 2023, NSW Health and Western NSW Local Health District will plan for and implement voluntary assisted dying in NSW.

A Care Navigation Service will be the access point for all requests for Voluntary Assisted Dying. You can tell us your thoughts on how to implement voluntary assisted dying in Western NSW Local Health District.

Current Consultations

There are currently no active consultations.