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About Sub-Regional Health Planning Committees
Sub-Regional Health Planning Committees provide a forum for community and stakeholder collaboration in health service planning, design and delivery within the region. The committees enable communities to have a strong voice in the planning, design and delivery of services and programs within Western NSW Local Health District.
Meetings are held every 3 months with the option to attend in person or dial in via Microsoft Teams.
There are two established Sub-Regional Health Planning Committees and we welcome expressions of interest to join these committees.
- Central West - covering the towns and surrounding communities of Dubbo, Narromine, Peak Hill, Trangie and Wellington.
- Northern - covering the towns and surrounding communities of Bourke, Brewarrina, Collarenebri, Coonamble, Goodooga, Lightning Ridge and Walgett.
North-East Sub-Regional Health Planning Committee
We are seeking expressions of interest from community representatives to join the North-East Sub-Regional Health Planning Committee
The Committee will cover the towns and surrounding communities of Baradine, Coolah, Coonabarabran and Dunedoo.
Community Representatives should have networks and connections with groups within their community and be able to provide a broad community perspective.
Community Representatives should have good communication skills and be confident to participate in meeting discussions. Committee members are open to learning about issues and options and working in collaboration for future solutions.
Committee meetings are held every 3 months with the option to attend in person or dial in via teams.
Community Representatives are remunerated for their time in line with the NSW Health Consumer, Carer and Community Member Remuneration Guideline.
Role of Community Representatives
Provide advice to support engaging with communities
Contribute to improving health literacy
Identify opportunities for collaboration
Represent the views of local communities