Clinical Service Plan update

Thank you for your feedback, it has been valuable in helping with the development of the five-year plan for Infant, Child, Youth and Family Mental Health Services.

Work is now progressing on the Clinical Services Plan in more detail.

Below is a summary of what we heard through the feedback.

  • Good experiences of treatment and care included

    • continuity of care
    • staff were kind and supportive
    • the service engaged well with families
  • Important healthcare needs of children, young people and families included

    • timely access to health services including help for specific healthcare needs
    • support for parents
    • Quality services
    • Skilled and trained staff
    • Wrap-around care with a whole community approach
  • Features of a good mental health service included

    • a model of care that meets the needs of families and carers
    • a flexible and accessible service
    • a holistic and collaborative approach
    • skilled and trained staff
  • Services can be improved by

    • easier access to treatment and care
    • more communication between staff and families
    • more service co-ordination
    • increased quality of care

Infant, Child, Youth and Family Mental Health Clinical Services Plan

Western NSW Local Health District is developing a five-year plan for Infant, Child, Youth and Family Mental Health Services – this is known as a Clinical Services Plan.

What is a Clinical Services Plan?

A Clinical Services Plan is an important document that will guide the planning and development of services for children and young people’s mental health services across the health district.

It will describe our vision for meeting the future mental health and social and emotional wellbeing needs of young people and families who use our services.

The Clinical Services Plan will consider the range of services required to meet health care needs in the future, considering the mental health needs of children, young people and families, changes in population, and how healthcare is provided.

What is included in the Mental Health Clinical Services Plan?

The plan will include all Western NSW Local Health District child and young people’s mental health services. The Health District services include the specialist Child and Adolescent Inpatient Unit at Orange as well as Community Mental Health Services located in towns throughout the health district.

Orange Clinical Services Plan and the Mental Health Clinical Services Plan

A Clinical Services Plan is being developed for Orange Health Service and this will include Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Services located in Orange. The Clinical Services Plan for Infant, Child, Youth and Family Mental Health Services will be an important part of the larger Orange Clinical Services Plan.

We invite you to complete a short survey to help us better understand local health needs now and into the future.

Who should complete the survey?

This survey is for:

  • people who use or could potentially use the Infant, Child, Youth and Family Mental Health Services, or related healthcare services including emergency, inpatient, outpatient, community, or virtual services.
  • other providers of health or social services
  • education providers
  • government agencies
  • non-government organisations
  • Aboriginal organisations
  • ethnic specific groups and organisations
  • members of the LGBTIQA+ community

A separate survey will be available for staff to complete. If you are a Western NSW Local Health District staff member and have experience using or supporting someone to use, Infant Child Youth and Family Mental Health services as a community member, please complete this from a community perspective only.

Staff survey and consultation will be available soon.

How we will use your feedback

Your feedback will be used to inform the development of the Clinical Services Plan.

You are welcome to complete all or some of the survey questions. We value any feedback you can provide.

This survey should take around 10 minutes to complete.

Current consultations

There are currently no active consultations. We are reviewing the feedback received to inform service planning.