• Consumer Representatives have joined the Reference Group.

    If you are interested in finding out more, contact Tristan Bouckley.

Researchers from the George Institute for Global Health are seeking people from Western NSW to join a research reference group. The purpose of the reference group is to address equity within research and consider advice to health system managers. This includes providing advice and guiding health system evaluation and research design and approaches to broaden the community voice in research and healthcare.

Healthcare services will be able to use the findings of the research to plan and design services.

You will be part of a small group of consumers providing your perspective and ideas.

No prior research experience is required. We are looking for people:

  • with an interest in health equity.
  • with an understanding of, or experience with, the NSW health system.
  • who have ideas on how to improve community engagement or heath service design.
  • who have been a patient and/ or a carer in the NSW health system or have worked within the health system.

You may leave the group at any time.

About the meetings

Meetings will be held 3 times a year and will run for 1 hour unless further time is agreed by the group beforehand. The meeting dates will be arranged to suit the needs of the reference group once it has formed.

You can attend meetings in a way that suits you (online, in -person, one-on-one or in a group setting) and you will be remunerated for your time in the meetings.

What will be discussed at meetings

Some of the planned items to be brought to the group for discussion include:

  • What elements of research is important from a consumer and community perspective.
  • Results from data reviews exploring implications of health equity on programs and identifying key elements of concern.
  • The design and approach for an evaluation and monitoring plan.
  • Messaging of the results of the research.

For more information email the Research Lead, Tristan Bouckley at tbouckley@georgeinstitute.org.au

Applications close 29 September 2023.