The Western NSW Health Community Network is a platform for patients, consumers, carers and community members to register their interest in helping to design, review or offer advice to health and medical projects, research and services. Our aim is to facilitate collaboration between communities and health services to ultimately help improve health services.
You will partner with the Local Health District in service planning, design and delivery to share your experience and collaborate for improved health outcomes.
As a member of the Western NSW Health Community Network, you will have the option to participate in
- focus groups
- co-design projects
- attend committee meetings
- share experiences of health care services
- contribute to health service planning
We welcome applications from people of diverse backgrounds and value your participation in projects, working groups and committees.
Some projects may offer payment to Consumer and Community Representatives as recognition of your participation and contribution in line with the NSW Health Guidelines.
The next steps
Complete the form below to register your interest.
We will contact you to discuss your application and complete a basic orientation with you.
New projects, opportunities and articles of interest will be emailed to the community network.
If you would like to build your skills, Health Consumers NSW offer a free 30 minute online module.