News updates

Project Overview

The NSW Government is investing $200 million in the major redevelopment of Bathurst Hospital to expand, modernise and improve health services and facilities for Bathurst and surrounding communities.

Health Infrastructure is planning the redevelopment to deliver enhanced and flexible care with new contemporary health facilities that will support the wellbeing of patients, carers and staff now and into the future.

A mix of new and refurbished areas will be delivered as part of the $200 million redevelopment. This will provide the community with expanded services including the emergency department and maternity, as well as improved paediatrics, mental health, inpatient and outpatient services.

Construction of the redevelopment is expected to commence in 2025 following planning approvals. Work to build the expanded health facility will be carefully staged to ensure clinical services remain operational during constructions.


Health Infrastructure and Western NSW Local Health District are committed to partnering with staff, clinicians, carers, patients, stakeholder groups and the community throughout the project to ensure the redevelopment achieves improved outcomes for all.

Consultations are held by the project team with staff, key stakeholders and the community at key stages of the redevelopment. The collated feedback is used to inform the planning and design processes as the project transitions through each stage of the redevelopment.

Ways we hear from the community include:

pop-up information sessions in the hospital foyer

community group briefings

online surveys

calls or emails to the project team to discuss the project.